Dec.11th Episode 8 w/ Dr. Jeff Spencer

On episode 8 Nima Ataei sits down with Dr. Jeffrey Spencer. Dr. Spencer is the behind-the-scenes expert who’s helped legends like Lance Armstrong, Tiger Woods and U2 hit the stratosphere of success. But hold up, Dr. Spencer isn’t your average coach. We’re talking about a former Olympic cyclist who snagged the “Sports Chiropractor of the Year” title in 2004. Oh, and he’s got a Tour de France winning streak that would make your jaw drop – eight times! Dr. Spencer isn’t just about cycling; he’s the go-to guru for winners in golf, tennis, racing, baseball, football, and rock music. Yeah, you heard that right – he’s the secret sauce for those chasing greatness in every field. In episode 8, we’re pulling back the curtain with Dr. Spencer. We’ll be delving into the nitty-gritty of how he turns high achievers into absolute superstars. From cultivating the right mindset to crafting genius-level plans and keeping that physical expertise in check – he’s the guy with the golden key. Make sure to check out the full episode coming out December 11th at 9am!

So join us on Leader Seat, and let’s take the first step towards success together!